素隠居とは、当地岡山県倉敷市にある阿智神社のお祭りの御神幸の雌雄の獅子に付き添う翁(じじ)と媼(ばば)の面をかぶった若者を指します。 "The Su-Inkyo are young people in masks disguised as old men and women. A group of Su-Inkyo walks along with the legendary guardian lions who sit inside the portable shrines that wander about the town during the festival times of Achi Shrine located in Kurashiki. この素隠居は元禄5年(1692年)阿智神社にほど近い戎町の宰領をつとめていた沢屋善兵衛が寄る年並に勝てず、人形師の柳平楽に頼んで「じじ」と「ばば」の面を作らせ、店の若者にこの面をかぶらせ、主人の代理として御神幸の行列に参加したことに始まるとされています。 Feeling too old to attend the festival, the chief of Ebisu-town Zenbei Sawaya(沢屋善兵衛) asked doll artist Heiraku Yanagi to make a mask of himself. He had his young employee attend the festival with the mask on, to be his substitute. 素隠居という呼び名は明治以後誰彼となく、この「じじとばば」のことを呼びはじめたようですが、ただの御隠居という意味で「素の隠居」であったり、「素晴らしい隠居」であったり、「素朴な隠居」というような意味が語られています。 The name "Su-Inkyo" started to be used by people during Meiji Era. Su-Inkyo's "SU" uses the Chinese characters; which has meaning of original, wonderful, and simple. These are also the characteristic people found in the various groups of “Su-Inkyo.” この素隠居の面は見ていただいての通り、「らっきょう」の形に似ていることから怯えながらもこの素隠居を挑発する子供達は「すいんきょ、らっきょう、くそらっきょう」(下右写真参照)とはやしたてて逃げまどうのです。 With the Su-Inkyo's look being quite unique and scary, children would jeer at them saying "Suinkyo, Rakkyo (shallot), Kuso-Rakkyo (idiot shallot)." Then Su-Inkyo would chase them away with a fan in their hand. 素隠居が持っている渋うちわ(下左写真参照)で頭を叩かれると、賢くなるとか、健康になるとか言われています。だから、ここ倉敷の親は子供(赤ちゃんに近いぐらいの子供)が怯え、泣き叫んでもその子供の頭を素隠居の前に差し出します。 Even though many children were afraid of Su-Inkyo, many parents from Kurashiki would bring their children to see Su-Inkyo, because it believed that if you are hit by the Su-Inkyo’s fan in the head, you would be forever intelligent and healthy. Let Suinkyo hit you and stay healthy!! |